Friday, August 8, 2008

Love The Hard Way

Jack: You're finished with me right?
Claire: [nods no]
Jack: Not the man you'd hoped I'd be?
Claire: [nods yes]
Jack: It's better this way, ok? Now stop crying, I don't deserve your tears.
Claire: You've been lying to me from the start haven't you?
Jack: Look I just wanted to fuck you, that's all it was.
Claire: When you said you loved me was that a lie too? Nothing was true. Just lies, just fucking lies.
Jack: Look I don't love anyone Claire, and you're hurt cause the love story that you made up for yourself fell apart, and it's all in your mind.
Claire: I'm dead.
Jack: Don't be so dramatic.

The following dialogue is from a scene in one of my favorite love movies, Love The Hard Way (starring Adrien Brody as Jack). I've seen the movie a little over ten times and the scene still has the same affect on me as it did the first time i watched the movie. It raises so many questions about relationships in general. Do women set themselves up for disappointment romantically by creating fairy tale endings? Do I?

rhetorical question.

i am Claire.

Side note: Another movie suggestion, Broken starring Heather Graham.


Nina said...

hmmm....why does it have to be rhetorical....sound beautiful gotta check it out

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

just driving by folk, cjk me out one day