Friday, August 22, 2008

Saving Your Trust?

Living in a world where people lie and hold back the truth its hard to decide who really has your best interest at heart and who is worth your trust. Can you hand your emotions over with the security of knowing they won't be dropped like a bad habit?

I think everyone goes into relationships fearing letting go of their trust

I used to be someone that trusted no one but i find that it can be more self destructive than helpful. Life has struggles and people will disappoint you. How can you expect to find what your looking for, whether it be friendship or love if your holding everything back. Don't get me wrong, its good to protect your emotions but don't overprotect to the point that no one has the opportunity to understand you other than yourself.

Trust is really all about having good judgement, good timing and patience.


rissapeace, said...

amen, way-daa go! (put your guard down) "tell your guard to just work graveyard" (;

Anonymous said...

My personal quote. "People are disappointments ready to blossom into fruition of disaster, and when I lay my head to rest at night its my feels I must deal with."

Hence, why I save my trust... =/

Justine Samantha said...

no offense but you will be miserable following that quote.

it is basically saying stay away from everyone. everyone can potentially disappoint. how do you expect to be happy? i'm not saying run out and trust the next person you say hi to, but give everyone a chance. don't let the opportunity pass you by.

Justine Samantha said...

rissa i love you dear.

SistaSocialite said...

I tell people the SAME thing! I know people that have been hurt, and they make it EXTREMELY hard for the next person who comes along... you gotta learn to trust people, at least a little, so that you can get know them. You never know... they might be your soulmate :)

rissapeace, said...

justine i love you mamagirl.